Monday, August 14, 2006

Korean Tangy Tango

Most plots of Korean dramas are so similar. There's love contracts, marriage contracts, love triangles, rectangles or dunno how many sided angles. Girls being protected by 2 die-hearted guys. So complicating. Or are relationships meant to be like that for a start? No doubt Korean dramas are sappy but the sorrows do amplify sweet incidents. A bitter sweet symphony.

Btw, Channel U's gonna screen a Korean serial. A dramady they call it. Title's got the word "Samsoon" in it. Has the elements I mentioned -- a love contract and a love rectangle. Girl A & Girl B likes Boy A. Initially, Boy A is unsure whether he likes Girl A or B. And a Boy B's love for Girl B is unshaken. But the two male leads in the show are cute... esp the eurasian. :p

There's one show that's quite funny too by Rain and Song Hui Qiao... called Full House. But some parts can get kinda draggy. But overall, it's pretty sunny. And yeah, there's a marriage contract and love rectangle too. Geez.. seems like triangles ain't no trend anymore. Heh.

Crap! Was watching some other Korean show on Starhub Ch55 as I typed the initial 2 paragraphs of this entry. It too revolves ard a love rectangle. There are 2 girls and 2 guys. Initially, both guys liked girl B. Subsequently, both guys liked girl A. Didn't really follow the entire serial, but apparently the ending was something like girl A didn't want to give her heart to boy A coz' she wanted to save her dignity and pride. Then girl A and boy B slept together and girl A told boy B that she actually doesn't love him. Boy A saw them together in bed and shot Boy A then shot Girl A. As girl A was dying, she told Boy A that actually she only loves boy A. And in the end, boy A shot himself in the head. Really crap.


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