Saturday, September 04, 2004


Thus far, I've been watching Him.s' from afar.

I saw Him yesterday evening... we did not meet. I looked from above. If only things didn't turn out this way... if only. But history cannot be pre-recorded.

Another Him. So near... barely inches away at times... yet so very, very far... unreachable, till now.

A third him. Won't have thought of him but he is a relevant character. Near, really near, as compared to the prior Him but he drifted away. I could only look upon the remaining trail that has stretched far.

Lastly, Him... someone I loved and respected. Someone who could light up my days. He left. I remember fragments of the dream... he and I were in my school having a great time. However, all good things (simple activities but they really brought pure joy) had to come to an end. The last scene saw me standing at my school porch. He was out on the carpark smiling, waving to me... he was bidding his farewell (I've come to realize) and he lifted into the air... rising higher and higher. I was standing there crying. From then on... I never saw him in my dreams, not that I could recall. Think it wasn't a mere dream that I had... he was trying to tell me that he was leaving for good.

I miss my grandpa.


At November 13, 2004 at 2:07 AM , Blogger Wan Ling said...

some people came into your lives, be glad..they stayed for a while...


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