Saturday, October 23, 2004

Ideals : Far from Reality?

Enthusiasm was practically oozing out of me in my prior entry when talked about WAT. But with each day count, the fire kinda diminished. Didn't douse.. some tiny voice inside still calls to me to go for it. However, like the analogy of the angel and devil trying to influence one's thots, something barricades me from the interview. :(

Visualize external arrows pointing towards my head, an arrow or so extending from my heart to my head, thought boxes encompassing my head... what do I get? Clutter head? Heh. Urgh. Situations. Tacky ones spring up now and then. The continuation to this: that's life. Fine. Accepted.

Ok. Let me state some thoughts. Are they really concrete, soulful thoughts? Or juz empty ones? Anyway, here goes :
1. Meagre pay --> can cover expenses? (Heard : juz about enough to cover.)
2. (This may be quite a lame one.. ah well) Interview is on a first come first serve basis and the interview is from 9 - 5 --> means I hv to reach Amara before 9???
3. And if I do go... don't think it's worth it queueing for a long time and not be granted an interview, esp with exams juz around the corner.
4. They're conducting the interview in groups. Would they conduct interviews for a solo interviewee?
5. What are my chances of getting accepted by the coy I fancy the most?
6. Should I get selected...The coy I'm inclined towards is located in OH.. rural place. If the environment is unfriendly.. where does that take me to??
7. It's around 2a.m at the moment.. Interview starts at 9... in abt 7 hrs time and I'm still undecided and have yet to get the necessary stuff prepared.

Shall go check out the info again.

Verdict : Till then. :)


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