Korean Tangy Tango
Most plots of Korean dramas are so similar. There's love contracts, marriage contracts, love triangles, rectangles or dunno how many sided angles. Girls being protected by 2 die-hearted guys. So complicating. Or are relationships meant to be like that for a start? No doubt Korean dramas are sappy but the sorrows do amplify sweet incidents. A bitter sweet symphony.
Btw, Channel U's gonna screen a Korean serial. A dramady they call it. Title's got the word "Samsoon" in it. Has the elements I mentioned -- a love contract and a love rectangle. Girl A & Girl B likes Boy A. Initially, Boy A is unsure whether he likes Girl A or B. And a Boy B's love for Girl B is unshaken. But the two male leads in the show are cute... esp the eurasian. :p
There's one show that's quite funny too by Rain and Song Hui Qiao... called Full House. But some parts can get kinda draggy. But overall, it's pretty sunny. And yeah, there's a marriage contract and love rectangle too. Geez.. seems like triangles ain't no trend anymore. Heh.
Crap! Was watching some other Korean show on Starhub Ch55 as I typed the initial 2 paragraphs of this entry. It too revolves ard a love rectangle. There are 2 girls and 2 guys. Initially, both guys liked girl B. Subsequently, both guys liked girl A. Didn't really follow the entire serial, but apparently the ending was something like girl A didn't want to give her heart to boy A coz' she wanted to save her dignity and pride. Then girl A and boy B slept together and girl A told boy B that she actually doesn't love him. Boy A saw them together in bed and shot Boy A then shot Girl A. As girl A was dying, she told Boy A that actually she only loves boy A. And in the end, boy A shot himself in the head. Really crap.